DARIMAR Martial Arts teaches traditional Tae Kwon Do for all age groups, and incorporates other forms of martial arts for a well-rounded Tae Kwon Do experience. We instill confidence, respect, self-esteem, patience, and discipline in our students, while aiming to foster strong character and sense of self. From the moment you walk through our front door, you will receive a high-quality experience that is personalized for you.
Darimar Martial Arts
971 North Hamilton Rd.
Gahanna OH 43230
(tel) 614-428-7090
(email): cj@darimarmartialarts.live-website.com
Darimar Martial Arts
971 North Hamilton Rd.
Gahanna OH 43230
(tel) 614-428-7090
(fax) 614-428-7033
(email): cj@darimarmartialarts.live-website.com
$199 for 8 weeks of classes, 2 classes a week. Uniform included.
Students must take their first class before 7/31/2023.
New students only.